Mar 21, 2012

A BLESSED Birthday and Feast Day to the sisters


1  ,Wetasinghe , Thushari , 4  Tsuji , Micaela Suemi , 10 Thomas Mundiath , Jincy , 15 Henakin Ursula Tuan , 21 Thomas Rajani , 23 Ghele , Hildegardhis


7 Graciani Ruiz , M. Ascencion , 14 Edwin Kandasamy , M. Resilda, 15 Philip , Jisha , 20 Eusebius , Geraldine  Sasirekah  , 23, Soosai , Elizabeth Pravina , 29 , Jegajothi , Mary



Our Heartfelt Condolences to Sister Marita and Family

 Marita's younger brother ( Known to many as  Macoy ) was murdered  few days ago . Let us join the bereaved family  these days  with our prayers. May the Lord grant him everlasting life.

Secretary Orientation

March 18, 19, 20,   Takatsuki, Japan. The three incoming  secretaries  ;Teresita Noi ,  Bernadetta Ikeda and Micaela  Tsuji  ,for the new assignment beginning  April  until  2014,    with Everdina ,  gathered on those days to  review together the  Local  Secretary manual . It was something new , it was great to be together , shared  stories , laughed,   listen and  reflect and wonder about Secretary   work. 

 " In its making we have taken into account in a special way the pastoral mission of the secretary which is the most important part of her ministry.   “The secretary on accepting her responsibility, enters into the river of the life of her own  Institute to know it, love it and make it grow. She could accept as said for her the words of Yahweh to Moses:  ‘Take off your sandals because you are on holy ground’. We touch with our hands the life of each one of our sisters and communities”.[1]   
( From the local Secretary Manual p. 7 )

[1] La Compleja figura del secretario/a provincial y general, CONFER 8, 1997.

Congratulations !

 Welcome to Novitiate Life : March 19, 2012, at Maria Antonia Paris Formation House, Quezon City, Philippines.   The following  postulants from Srilanka had their  Initiation to the novitiate. We thank the Lord for their  joy and perseverance in their initial stage of formation and we keep them company in our prayers for the gift of  a holy life and  firm in faith. 


INFORMATION on Assignments

 a. The assignment for the sisters in Japan effective April ( 2012-2014 )
 Takatsuki Community

 Assumpta Hori Superior  ,  Teresa Hashimoto , Teresita Noi , Clara Tsuji,
Pilar Andreu Cid, María Josefina Vinas

 Ichihara community

 Isabel Tomoda ,Lucia Hishida , Bernadeta Ikeda

Kurashiki community

  Francisca Wakabayashi , Cecilia Kondo , Mikaela Tsuji, Delfina Llamas,  Agnes Sakaguchi

 b. Maria Antonette Garcia will be part of Zamboanga Community, Philippines (2012-2014 )
c. Everdina Ruste, Principal in Sto. Niño Catholic School, Guimaras ,Philippines ( 2012-2014 )
d. Francisca Mbawo, Econome of Jogjakarta community, Indonesia, ( 2012-2014 )
 e. Hildegardhis Ghele to Madrid, Spain, ( 2012-2014 )
f. Yovita Selfia Besi , Econome of the community , East Timor , ( 2012-2014 )
 g. Maria Yovita Selfia Besi , Aspirant In charge, East Timor , ( 2012-2014 )
 h. Melania Senes , Pre-school in charge, East Timor , ( 2012-2014 )
 i. Angela Son , Aspirant in charge, Korea , ( 2012-2014 )
j.  Maria Antonette Garcia, Secretary  Zamboanga City , Philippines ( May 2012-2014 )

Mar 16, 2012

East Timor Mission 2011

The End of the Canonical visit

Guimaras community, Philippines
We thank the  Lord for having blessed our Mother Provincial Teresa Hashimoto  with good health all throughout her journey  and as well the protection in all her long trips . Our  special thanks to sister Inocencia, for  lovingly  stretching her strength  to do the translations for many of our communities during the visit of Madre in the speaking communities. May her admonition  addressed to the  communities be remembered  and put in practice.   She has started her visitation in the communities since November 2011 and ended in  March.
the community of Indonesia

with the Professed sisters, Indonesia
sharing beside the beach , Zamboanga City

Tilomar, East Timor

A tricycle ride to the airport  , Zamboanga City, Philippines
 Guimaras community, Philippines

Salele, East Timor 

Maria Inmaculada Yoochien, Japan

Takatsuki, Japan.  Last March 15, 2012, was the graduation day of 76, kindegarten pupils ( ages 6 years old ) of our  Maria Inmaculada Yoochien. The event was held in the morning at the 2nd floor of their social hall, with a very simple  but heart warming and  moving ceremony. Parents  came with  their formal  attire and some mothers put on their beautiful cultural attire - the Kimono .

The preparation of the stage

Some of the Pre-school Teachers

One of the graduates handling her diploma to her mother  saying thank you

Sister Teresa Hashimoto,   Directress , giving her message

One of the graduating class  with their teacher ( in  black attire )

the graduates serenading their parents 

Mar 11, 2012

Teresita Albarracin Feast

Un día me encontré un folleto de María Teresita Albaracín en un cuarto trastero de la Iglesia. Me sentí atraida por su sonrisa y lo llevé a mi casa. Me parecía que Dios me estaba invitando rezar… puse el folleto en un plástico y desde entonces estoy rezando todos los días. Todas las palabras del folleto dicen algo a mi corazón y me dan fuerza y ánimo. Lo leí y releí muchas veces y pensaba: Qué estupendo si yo pudiera rezar como ella! Hasta ahora solo me venía al pensamiento el escapar de los sufrimimientos. Pero ahora, sobre todo cuando estoy deprimida, su sonrisa me hace mucho bien. Estoy segura que este folleto, será para mi un tesoro durante toda mi vida. He escrito esta carta para comunicar esta gracia

Bernardetta  Atsuko Ueda
Cristiana de Takatsuki

14 de febrero del 2012

マリア テレシタ アルバラシンの笑顔をみつめ、いやされる私は幸せです。元気が出ない時、励みになります。また尊敬もできます。
以前ある日、教会聖堂のイスや掃除道具の置いてある部屋にくしゃくしゃにされたマリア テレシタ アルバラシンのほほえみの絵がかいたパンフレットが無造作におかれていて、私は、そのほほえみにひかれ、家に持って帰りました。神さまが祈りなさい…と、私におっしゃっているような気持ちになり、大事にプラスチックのシートに入れ、毎日いのっております。パンフレットのすべての個所は私に反省の心をうながし、勇気を頂き、気力がわいてきます。苦しみから逃げることしか頭になかった私。何度もパンフレットを読み、私もマリア テレシタ アルバラシン様のようにお祈りできたらどんなによいでしょうか…と思うようになりました。気持が暗くなった日は、とくにテレシタ様のほほえみは効果がございます。私の手元にあるテレシタ アルバラシンのプリントを一生の宝ものになると確信いたしています。そのことを申し上げたくペンをとりました。

