Starting December 26 up to 29, 2012,
there was an excited encounter of the four Indonesian juniors (Srs. Ursula,
Fransisca, Teresia Tina and Lermin Siahaan). This encounter took place in our
house of formation in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. It was guided by Sr. Anastasia
Wio, the prefect of formation of Asia and the formator of juniors as well.
The encounter was made for sharing of experiences
regarding our studies, apostolate, community life and prayer life itself. We
were brought also to some reflections upon knowing more ourselves in order to
have the belongingness of one self which can lead us to our Claretian life. My
attitude should lead me to my Claretian identity. Some other days, we were
received some inputs about community life in which we are made aware that we
are responsible also with the formation of each members of the sisters. All
professed sisters were invited to join us in one meeting, each of us was asked
to draw some parts of our body (mouth, face, nose, eyes, ears, etc...).Then, we
put them together. We realized that it looked so ugly; there is no shape at all.
So does in our community
life, if each of us does each own, it will look the same.
The community is no shape. There is no
harmony. As a community we must walk together. God’s love should be center in
building our community and it starts from my self through my simple ways such as being attentive the needs of my sisters, to
listen to them with heart, respect one another, etc. Personally, these several
days of encounter was so helpful, meaningful and enriching, full of
encouragements, supports and trust. . It just like a “Spiritual splash”, awaken
and refreshing the commitment of one self and lead each of us to a better personal restructuration for the new life especially as
the juniors sisters who should prepare themselves well for the mission. Lord,
guide us to the ways we should walk and teach us to live in your designs. We
gave thanks to God for these days of being settled to share and gain “Spiritual
splash” and for our beloved formator, Sr. Anastasia Wio who has been journeying
and accompanying us in our remarked encounter of juniors. It’s so meaningful
and precious sharing. See you for the next encounter. Thanks also for the
province for this program of formation mostly for us the young junior
sisters. Keep on the spirit and Arrigato!
By : Sr. Ursula Henakin
Indonesia Junior sisters : L: Tina , Francisca , Ursula and Lermin , the one seated is | Sis. Anastasia | , Prefect of Formation |