June 13, 2019
Quezon City Formation House - Philippines
Today is a special and
significant day for all of us, The Religious of Mary Immaculate Claretian
Missionary sisters – East Asia Province who have chosen this day for the
religious profession of our Sisters. We witness this afternoon the first
religious profession and the renewal of Vows.
The sisters who make the first
religious profession are:
Sr. Liliana Maria Ribeiro
was born as the 3rd child of Mr. Leontino Do Nascimento and Mrs.
Joana Ribeiro, on November 16, 1992 in Wala – Distric of Covalima – East Tmor.
Sr. Yovita Bete
was born as the 4th child of Mr. Nikolas Nana and Mrs. Monika Kase,
on November 18, 1993 in Atambua, the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur- Indonesia
Sr. Claudia kristiani Somi Biri Sogen
was born as the 2nd child of Mr. Paulus Sogen and Mrs. Bernadete Tokan, on
December 31st, 1996 in Flores Timur, the province of Nusa Tenggara
Timur– Indonesia.
In a most meaningful and symbolic articulation
of their quest for God, these Sisters have opted to dedicate their lives to
Jesus Christ and as their response to Christ’s invitation for radical
discipleship, they hope to offer themselves completely to their Lord and
Beloved by living out the religious consecration. This is the quality and way
of life which our sisters freely, publicly, and definitively pronounce and
embrace as they profess to belong to God in the Congregation. We accompany them as they together start a new
chapter in their lives with our prayers and supplications.
The sisters who make the
renewal of Vows in the same celebration are “Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Thai Thi Phuc, Pham Thi Huong Nguyen Thi Liem, and Ho Thi Trieu.
East Timor Ambassador "Jose Gaspar Dos Reis Correia Piedade" and his wife are with us to give their support and prayers for our sisters. Thanks to their availability to share their time and very presence with us.