JAPAN. As part of the 125th death anniversary celebration of Antonia the community of Ichihara , of Kurashiki, of Takatsuki and of Korea, gathered together last May 2 to 5 , at Takatsuki , the host community of the seminar. There were 13 sisters including sis. Asunta Hori who was also present for the said seminar on Identity and Belongingness, Christology and Renewal of the Church given by Jolanda Kaffka . It was a wonderful to be together and share topics that facilitates to revisit and drink anew from the very lives and works of our founders Claret and Paris.
PHILIPPINES. It was a great joy to see sis. Jolanda back to
Quezon City . Her stay in the formation house from May 6 until the 11th was her first stop for the congregational- seminar addressed to the formands ( Postulants and Novices –From : Indonesia, East Timor, Sri-Lanka and Korea ) with their respective formators. They were truly happy and grateful for the opportunity and additional knowledge they received .
After spending few days in the formation house , another set of group were getting ready for the said seminar.

Guimaras. The host community for the Congregational – Seminar for the professed sisters coming from Zamboanga City and Quezon converge in this Island called Guimaras. There were 10 participants among the 8 Filipinas are two Indonesians. The seminar on Identity and belongingness, Christology and Renewal for the Church were those topics shared to the group. Apart from listening and reading the notes . We enjoyed also moments in small group sharing , question and answer, reporting, sharing jokes , funny experiences and not to forget our out door activity. In the process towards the end we all were slain by the Spirit of God as we say THANK YOU for what has been, for the call of the Spirit to renew and increase our love for our founders and congregation , found a deeper meaning for the different ministries/responsibilities we carry out, claimed with pride our identity and found joy in our vocation as Claretian Missionary Sisters. We pray that we may rise and shine for who we are and for what we are called for in the daily reality of our lives.