PHILIPPINES . On April 27- 30, 2010 The Vicariate of St. Bartholomew, Vicariate Youth Ministry
Guimaras had it’s 12th annual Vicariate Youth Camp hosted by the Parish of the most Holy Name of Jesus, Buenavista, wiht the Theme “Youth Empowerment: Journey with the Priests inspired by the Hearts of Jesus and Mary” held at the Sto Niño Catholic School, McLain, Buenavista Guimaras. The Claretian Missionary Sisters took charge of facilitating the youth on the 2nd day during the Holy Hour which was held at the School ground. Sr. Rizalyn led us into a deeper and more intimate contact with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. The sisters also joined the Barrio Fiesta held on April 28 in the evening at the School compound. The Parish priests from different parishes and some diocesan seminarians were also present during the Camp. The Camp ended on April 30 at 3:00 in the afternoon. Everyone looked so happy, went home filled with so much Joy and Peace. PRAISE THE LORD.