Oct 11, 2010


Philippines- October 7 ,2010 on the feast of our Lady of Pillar and on the 23rd foundation anniversary of  Philippines , three Postulants had entered the stage of Novititate . A very simple celebration of get together to pray  and thank the Lord for the gift of our Claretian Vocation.  We pray for their holy perseverance.

From : Ida

On October 7, 2010 was the day of my initiation to the Novitiate. It was a wonderful  day for me , my companions and all the sisters. I thank the Lord who gave me this grace of  vocation. I know that this time I have still many things to learn and for all that,    I put my trust and confidence in God.
I was truly grateful also to all the sisters in the Congregation and my families who support me through their prayers and advices  and for everything they have shown to me. With this may I always be aware the everything I do is not out  of my own strength but because of God's grace.
So I am now a novice because  of God's love and mercy, with gratitude in my heart I thank the Lord for all the blessings He continously  bestow upon me. Finally, I pray that I may be faithful to following Him.

From : Neldis

Hello !!!
I am very happy with this new stage, Novitiate , and I thank God for the gift of this  event. He is the one who work in me for me to reach this stage. I could not described further how I felt on that day ... God is Love.
As I continue my formation. I hope I can grow in Love, faith and hope. So that someday I become a good worker in His vineyard. keep me in your prayers.

From : Friska
On October 7, 2010 was my initiation to the Novitiate . I was so happy because that day was the most special day. In this new stage, I do hope to be more intimate with Jesus and to use wisely the time to know more about our congregation.
for this Initiation  I thank God for His love and fidelity, which always gives me the grace of perseverance in my vocation. I am also grateful  to all  my beloved sisters in the community for their prayers as a sign of their supoort to me. THANK YOU SO MUCH.