Jun 9, 2012

Personal Training on Leadership

May 21 to June 1, 2012, Quezon  City, Philippines.  The 11 novices  had a week lecture on PERSONAL TRAINING ON LEADERSHIP, with Mr. Ernest Tan, a person well verse on the said topic. Held at the Maria Antonia Paris Retreat House.
 A note from one of them ...

On May 29  to June 1 ,2012 ,the novices of Quezon City had their summer activity with the seminar on Training for Leadership with Earnest Tan.  First of all we the novices  are  grateful  to the sisters in the community for their generosity , by giving us an opportunity to attend this kind of seminar, indeed this four days seminar has given as a lot of understanding on how to be a good leader, thus to be a good leader does not depend on the titles rather it depend on how she or he lead the people with honor. During those days of seminar several things we realized, that  led us to  better self- identification, such as knowing the personal power, since we are all  gifted with personal power in spite of the limitation we have, But what make the difference is our capacity and ability to go beyond , therefore we need to exercise those power first before we empower others. Other learning was that of  healthy relationship, the skill on how to relate with others, and the challenge is now how to put in practice all we have learned because every learning always asked to practice.. After all leadership is about constant building of oneself ….only transformation  will make one  become great leader.