Oct 15, 2015



            First of all, I thank God for giving the opportunity to have an experience about the life of the Claretian Sisters in the mission house. I did my exposure in Guimaras Community; in this place our sisters are doing their mission in education.  In this exposure of mine, I have learned many things, which those things are helping me a lot in my journey toward Him. Among those experiences that i had, i would like to share my experienced on how to join “Action and Contemplation”. Yes…as a followers of St. Antony Mary Claret and Ma. Antonia Paris these two things are needed, because these they did before.
            Seeing the life in the mission house, especially how to join action and contemplation, I just see on how the sisters in their tiredness and busyness, they still spent their time to have a special moment with God in their community prayer, personal prayer, and recollection as well. It was touched me so much, and challenged me as well on how i need to spend my time to be with Him in spite of my busyness and tiredness.
            All these experiences of mine brought me into a deep reflection on hoe the important of prayer life is.  Prayer is spring water for us, and in the prayer we will be able to do our mission because with Him we can do everything and apart from Him absolutely nothing.
            These experiences of mine, inspired me and invites me as well to build more my prayer life, to have deeper intimacy relationship with Him, so that i am able to do whatever He asks from me.

                                                By: Agnes Nogo Temu,
                                                            2nd novice