journey always gives meaning. Last 23th of July, we (Claretian brothers and
sisters) did a hiking to Mount Merapi. The theme of hiking was Exodus and led
by Fr .Gusti Supurt, CMF. The hiking begun with a contemplative dance called “Eretsh”.
This dance is an initiation to the Promised Land. Before we left the house,
we’re asked by Fr. Gusti to write down a word that could express our deep
desires and reactions as if we’re about to leave the place where we are and
starting journeying to the Promised Land. It was interesting. Not only that,
during the journey, we also had the “ritual of baptism”. In this ritual, our
co-journeyer would read for us our own messages we had written while pouring
the water upon us. I felt blessed at that moment. I celebrated my vocation, I
thanked the Lord for the vocation I have. A journey we passed through was an
eye-catching view. We passed by rivers with a fresh air, green plants, cliffs,
and twisted roads. We tired somehow but it’s not extinguished our heart desire to
continue the journey. We stopped several times, sitting and listening to the
simple novel of Jusuf’ story when he had sold by his brothers. The story was
made alive and surely each of us could catch the meaning. Finally, we arrived
in a place we called Sinai. Over there, we could look down, we could look back
all the traces we have been through. I wondered at the natures, how it speaks a
lot to me. It reminds me of the Creator, gives me inner peace I could not ever
explained, and once again it ensures me of one thing I have to cherish of all
times that my Creator never stops guiding me. I’m being renewed and surely God
also ensures His presence. I could only reach the place I have to because of
Him. Post-having lunch and short resting, we continued the journey until the
place we called promised land. Personally, I find this was a great experience
and unforgettable. How this experience took emotionally my feelings, struggles,
joys, and even the commitment.. I praise the Lord for “He has made known to me the path of life.”And I love to walk Him at all times.