Rizalyn Solitario, the Dependent Delegate Superior of the Philippines and at present the Vice Provincial Secretary was given charge by the Vice Provincial to over see the Vocation Promotion in Vietnam which which she has been doing with one more sister for almost a year. She is at present spending her one month stay there to attend our second group of Vietnamese before they come to Philippines for their initial formation. The first group of Vietnamese 3 young ladies are in Zamboanga City , their new home for the Aspirancy stage, with Sister Marita Jovellanos as the In-charge. Join us with your prayers as we venture anew in this work of promoting vocations for Church for the proclamation of the kingdom, THE HARVEST IS RICH BUT THE LABORERS ARE FEW, LET US PRAY TO THE LORD OF THE HARVEST THAT HE MAY SEND WORKERS INTO HIS VINEYARD.