Oct 29, 2012


Guimaras, Philippines. The Sto, Nino Catholic School  religious activities in charge Sis. Frigidia Stanislaus had initiated a Mission Exposure for grades 4 and 5 ,to visit the site of the Child and Youth Care Institutions of the Good Shepherds Fold Academy. This institution was founded in 1946 , the only orphanage in Guimaras Province. The purpose of the visit is to deepen  in them the values of Compassion, Generosity and Availability.

The activity was realized last October 25,  half day encounter. There  were sharing of goods from our side, shared merienda, games ,simple presentation from both sides  and house viewing. At the end of the day , the different level  took time to listen from each other share their experiences of the day. After all , in the midst of wind and  heavy rain, they managed to come and  made themselves and others happy with their donations and presence. It was indeed a meaningful experience  for each one.