Dec 24, 2011


The wise men knelt down and worship Him.
The word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Shepherds returned giving glory and praised God for all they had seen and heard.
Peace on Earth for God is blessing Human Kind .
A Messiah and Lord, let this be a sign to you.
Angels announced:  Do not be afraid , Good News, great joy for all people.
The wise man overjoyed on seeing the star again
Elizabeth uttered a blessing for those who believed .
The angels sing praise and glorify God.
Mary  was  troubled and even wondered.
Merry Christmas to all.  Feliz Navidad a cada uno de vosotros.


Only for the professed sisters
The Delegation of the Philippines are all together in  Manila, for the three day growth seminar in preparation for the celebration of the coming silver Jubilee ( 25th anniversary of the foundation ) of the foundation of the first house in the Philippines which is in Quezon City.  The seminar  was entitled: GROWING  TOGETHER IN COMMUNITY LIFE " A WAY OF BEING CHURCH ". Given to us by Mr. Earnest Tan, a well known writer, speaker and composer. The  seminar started last December 21 and ended on December 23rd... The Dynamic of the seminar is to revisit our personal history, loving our history with its good side and not so good side of our life, recognizing our needs, claiming our limitations and clarifying and naming our values.We have been truly refresh and had so much learned from each others life history. It is only when we understand the story of the other one learns to to compassionate . That proves true as we listen each other tells her story with excitement.

Dec 20, 2011

Mary Immaculate Learning Center

December 17, 2011, Quezon City Philippines.  Christmas party for children.  See slideshow presentation
( right side )

Dec 11, 2011

First Communion

The Sto. Niño Catholic School community in Guimaras-Philippines has joyfully celebrated the First Communion of the Grade 2 children in the vesper of May Immaculate on 7th December 2011. The teachers, staff and the sisters joined to clean and to decorate the Church in order to prepare for Eucharistic Celebration. The liturgy was well prepared to help the community to participate actively in the Holy Eucharist. The parish community has joined the children to welcome the Lord in their hearts and witnessed to the children’s faith. It was a joyful day for the community of Sto. Niño Catholic School and to the parish.Thank you Lord for the gift of Mary in the Church as our Mother and model.

La Escuela de Sto. Niño en Guimaras-Filipinas ha celebrado alegremente la primera Comunión de los niños de Segundo grado en las vísperas de María Inmaculada en 7 de Diciembre 2011. Los maestros, trabajadores de la escuela y las hermanas juntadasa limpiar y decorar la Iglesia para preparar por la celebraciónEucarística. La liturgia estaba bien preparada a ayudar la comunidad para participar activamente en la Eucaristía. La comunidad de parroquia ha juntado con los niños a invitar el Señor en sus corazones y testimoniado de fe de los niños. Estaba un día feliz por la comunidad de la escuela de Sto. Niño y la parroquia. Gracias señor por el don de Virgen María en la Iglesia como Madre y modelo.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Zamboanga City, Philippines. The Maria Antonia Paris students had  their first ever Marian procession  outside of the  dormitory vicinity  with the Recitation of the Rosary .  All the students took part in the said celebration including our non- Catholics students. We were happy to be able to manifest our love for our Blessed Virgin Mary in this simple act of  doing the procession.   The family of our staff had also join us in this said activity.

Dec 6, 2011

Parisian On Mission

Parisian Janine ( pink ) is with the Antonia Paris Mission children
Zamboanga City, Philippines. December 4, 2011, the Maria Antonia Paris  students  agreed to have an out reach program. The recipients are those children in Baliwasan Chico, ages 4 to 7 years  under the program of the Antonia Paris Mission ( Sunday  feeding ). The morning of that day, at 9:00 some of the students took time to be with our 18 out of 20 children who came for the party. Two room mates  rendered a dance number, they program committee had also prepared some games with prizes and some of them played with them. The Children received the gifts  with a grateful  hearts which the  gift committee bought . They ate and were very happy. Not only were the children happy, the students were also filled with joy , amazed and were grateful for the opportunity given to them to Make Others Happy , with their individual contribution and efforts of love.  God knows what is best for us . Thank you Lord... ( see slideshow  left side )

Welcome to the Philippines

Quezon City , Philippines.  last October 2011, two novices to be had arrived to the Philippines from Yogjakarta, Indonesia to continue their initial formation as novices under the  guide of Anastasia Wio, the novice Directress. At the moment they busy themselves to review and study the English language to facilitate  communication and  more so their very formation. We wish all the best for them and  with our prayers to keep them company.