Apr 14, 2017


Coming from darkness to light 


Every year, we celebrate  EASTER (the resurrection of CHRIST) though the same celebration, but not the same way of experiencing it. I am so grateful and thankful to God for allowing me to have a wonderful, meaningful and haunting celebration with my sisters. Through the activities of the community during Lent till Easter which enabled me to have a deep encounter with Christ, deepen my Christian faith, strengthen my vocation, and most specially opened my mind to understand the profound meaning of the two letters “D” and “L” that are Darkness and Light, Death and Life.
As Jesus, a man who performed many miracles, healed a lot of people, many praised him, many cried when he looked and touched with kindness, mercy and compassion, thousands and thousands followed him. But, at the last, at the darkest moment, nobody was beside him, even his disciples whom he loves most could not awake with him for an hour. This is “D” of Jesus. How about my “D”? Along my personal itinerary, especially in my vocation journey, there are many dead-experiences that I underwent, am undergoing. This dead- experience is not the dead of the body but spirit, the rejection, discourage, fears. In those moments, I use to remember the psalm sums “they have eyes but they cannot see, they have ear but they cannot hear…” Yes! Because the fear occupied my heart, covered my eyes, made me loss my way, sometimes I do not know where I am going and coming. But, I do believe that those dead- experiences would never absent as long as I still live in this world because it makes my life more meaningful. Therefore, the most importance for me is how I overcome the power of darkness in my heart (the pride, ego, self- center, self- closed…) it is all about how I conquer it not to surrender to it. Moreover, it also depends on my choice, the choice to go out of darkness, the choice to remove the door of my tomb to let the light shine into, the choice to live in the light not darkness. As Jesus, by the power of God the Father he was risen from the death for he is light, he belongs to the light and he also invites me  to a share of life  in the light with him as he “ called” Lazarus his friend come back to life from the death. This invitation demands my collaboration, the will of the heart.

This experience of coming back from darkness to light and death to life has opened the other page of my life story, to read the real meaning of EASTER (E- A-S T-T-E-R) of  my life, it’s all about: E- encounter, A-acceptance, S- surrender to God, T-trust in God providence, E- embrace all with joy, and R- remain in faithful.  Though many challenges, obstacles in life but once I know how to accept all things, accept my limitation, remain in faithful to trust and surrender to God there I live in the light of God, there I have a life in light and there I am resurrected in Christ. 


Apr 3, 2017




(Tilomar - East Timor)

On March 13, the 135 junior high school had their Lenten recollection at Tilomar chapel with Dina and Astuti as facilitators and some teachers to assist us. Fr. Johanes cmf was with us for the confession . The recollection was simple .; the presentation of the meaning of lent, ice breakers , reading of scriptures on the temptation of Jesus , God ' s love and penitential write through letter writing. The Eucharist followed after the recollection ...