Mar 13, 2014

A Glimpse of the Asian Encounter

Quezon City , Philippines. On March 5 to 10, 2014 , was the  Asian Encounter . It is meant to  gather the Superiors of the different communities under the jurisdiction of the Vice Province of Asia . The Encounter was facilitated by the members of the  General Government , to mention they are : Sisters Soledad Galeron 
( Mother Superior ) , Jolanta Kafka  ( General Prefect of  Formation ) and with them Asunta Hori   ( the  Vice Provincial  Superior  ) and the rest of the  vice provincial  councils .  Among those who graced the occasion were  representatives from  East Timor, Indonesia, Korea , Japan  and  Philippines . This encounter took place within the big project  of restructuration  of the Congregation under the leadership of the  General Government .
Thank you for the prayers and  moral support . Below are photos courtesy   of S. Rizalyn , the provincial Secretary . thank you so much  !