Jul 8, 2011


June 1, Friday, the Maria Antonia Paris Young professional dormitorians with a degree on Nursing course
 had an hour of  prayer before the Blessed Sacrament  before the day of their board examination. their examination days were on Saturday and Sunday. They were invited more than to attend their many worries and deep anxieties , they were  asked to entrust all their cares to the Lord and more that anything else to thank the Lord for those abundant blessings He so generously shared to each one of them in many varied ways... beginning the support and care of their respective parents and love ones . It was also design to help them restore peace to keep them focus and rested , ready for the big battle the BOARD EXAM two days after. We  are also grateful to be at the service of the needs of the young people . We hope all the best for each one  of them and  that their efforts will bear fruit.
Miss. Nur, ( standing ) a muslim, nursing young professional join us for prayer

a hugged of support and peace shared

the community of nursing young professionals with some of their parents.

the last posed before we end the night. all smiles for the Lord.
with them is sister Victorina, the Dormitory Ministry in charge and
sister Marita at the far end of the line.